Strategic and Aggressive Criminal Defense And Immigration Representation

Immigration Attorneys Protecting Your Rights

The founding fathers of the United States believed in open borders and immigration for those who sought a better life. There are many individuals every year who seek to come to the United States for asylum, citizenship and many other reasons. There are also millions of individuals who are denied entry into the United States every year. In 1990 there was an act passed (called IMMACT) that limits the number of entries to the U.S. every year to 700,000 with a priority on family reunification and work.

This is beneficial to many individuals who are trying to reconnect with their family, and those who are seeking work; however there are many individuals who do not fall under these categories. If you are seeking immigration to the United States or if you are facing removal or deportation then it is vitally important that you retain skilled legal assistance on your side. You have various rights and it is important that these rights are upheld and recognized.

Understanding What Your Rights Involve

As an immigrant to the United States, you have many different rights. If you are a lawful permanent resident, a citizen, or if you are here on a visa of some kind, you have various rights. Some of these rights include the following among others:

  • Safe work environment: There are many cases where individuals suffer from persecution or unfair treatment in the workplace due to their ethnic background or immigration status. As an immigrant in America, you have the right to a safe work environment.
  • Wages: You also have the right to fair compensation. It is vitally important that this right is upheld in order to receive adequate payment for the work you do.

Seeking Residency In The U.S.

As a foreign national seeking refuge or a better life in the United States you have various rights, some of these include the following among others:

  • Asylum: If you are facing persecution for your political stance, ethnic origin, religious beliefs and other reasons, then you have the right to claim political asylum in the United States.
  • Appeals: If you are facing removal proceedings, or if your case has been denied then it is important that you understand your right to appeal the court’s decision. This could result in a change in removal proceedings or the denial of your application.

Allow A Cincinnati Immigration Lawyer To Defend You

If you are facing an immigration issue or your rights are being denied then it is vitally important for you to seek legal assistance in your case as soon as possible. At Bartell, Georgalas & Juarez, L.P.A. Co., we have over 12 years of experience in handling extremely difficult cases. You can be sure that we will not deny you due to the difficulty of your case. We have assisted individuals facing removal proceedings due to a criminal conviction and many other cases.

Contact us today to discuss your situation and to learn more about how we can help you. You can also call us at 216-777-4181.