Strategic and Aggressive Criminal Defense And Immigration Representation

Defending Your Future Against Drug Charges

In spite of public opinion relaxing about marijuana, it is still illegal in Ohio. A conviction for even misdemeanor drug possession can have lifelong consequences and make future drug charges worse for you. Instead of hoping for a good plea deal, fight for the outcome you deserve with help of a skilled legal team.

At Bartell, Georgalas & Juarez, L.P.A. Co., your future is our focus. We have decades of combined experience in criminal law. Our legal services might be the winning difference in your case, and we are ready to help you fight your drug charges, no matter how severe they may be.

What Is At Stake In Your Case

There are a lot of variables that can impact the severity of your charges, including the drug in question, the amount of it, and even if you were traveling with them. A conviction involving cocaine, LSD or heroin can result in years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines and a misdemeanor of marijuana possession can result in a few hundred dollars in fines, but they both can have collateral consequences.

A drug conviction can keep you from gaining employment, earning the education loan you need, or even finding a place to live. Our goal as your legal representation is to develop a personalized strategy based on the unique factors of your case to pursue the outcome you deserve through litigation and negotiation. At our Independence office, you can rest easy knowing we are fighting for you.

Do Not Go Through Your Case Alone

If you are facing drug charges or think you will be soon, let us defend your rights, freedom and future. The sooner you reach out to a lawyer for help, the more time you give them to develop a plan you can count on, so call us at 216-777-4181 or email us here to schedule your initial consultation today.